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Cost optimization – aviation security

In a market hugely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic on top of shrinking prices and increased competition, entities have to look for new ways to operate efficiently, in the same time in order to maintain the highest level of their service – without compromising on aviation security.

This article highlights how new technologies can help aviation related entities to achieve greater efficiency and reduce cost, but also, how embracing the concept of digital transformation in the field of aviation security training can allow them to meet the increasing expectations from workers, customers and stakeholders.

The threat of terrorist attack on civil aviation, especially as a result of the 9/11 attacks, has made the system focus on intense security efforts. However, in the same time it is difficult to determine whether the benefits compensate their cost involved. Well-organized aviation security approach, with a great focus on getting the most optimised security solutions for the least cost, should be the priority in an era of budget austerity and general market struggle, we are dealing with at present.

Moreover, cannot be unnoticed that since last year, aviation has been facing an era of unprecedented complexity for its business. At this writing, the Coronavirus pandemic has affected over 123 million people in 219 counties and territories around the world. These incomparable numbers make the ongoing crisis the most challenging in the modern history. And as for the time being, unfortunately an optimistic endpoint is still difficult to see. In this state of the great uncertainty, there is no golden rule for a successful recovery in general. On top of it, there is no simple solution especially for a business so sensitive and so expensive, like the aviation is. However, to advance with an optimum response, various scenarios, including the one where operational constraint are even tougher, need to be contemplated. The creation of an efficient resilience will hinge on two core aspects, i.e., external factors, like the expected upcoming world-wide market collapse and other factors, ones which are within decision-makers’ influence. Focusing on the reachable aspects narrows to a fundamental question which underlies the provision of aviation security – how to best allocate limited resources in order to reduce the probability of an attack targeting civil aviation without increasing related expenses, additionally eliminating waste time, making a better use of resources, and improving the bottom-line of the business.

Avsec Control digital platform is a tool that has been developed for all aviation related entrepreneurs and individuals participating in a secure supply chain. Business solutions offered by Avsec Cargo aviation experts offer the truly transformative potential of cost optimalisation for its clients, with tangible benefits that go far beyond expenses reduction. While many entities have begun the journey of using digital platforms to aide some processes, companies of all sizes must confront a number of barriers to change, which with Avsec Control are easy to overcome.

While looking for a cost optimalisation solution, cannot be ignored the fact that being connected these days is as indispensable as ever. Whether to quickly check emails, do on-line shopping, or simply scroll newest media news – digital devices have become an irreplaceable part of nowadays reality. Such a trend represents a chance for entities who look for new means to narrow aviation security costs. Several processes in aviation security, especially stationary training challenge today´s concerns to ensure social distancing. Trying to avoid congested classrooms highlights the urgency to implement digital technologies enabling staff training in a safe, professional and effective way. Avsec Control digital platform is an online tool which offers training courses in a secure, remote manner, anytime and anywhere. This unique solution, supports employee training in times of significant restrictions in the current business reality. Additionally, some cloud-based solutions available on Avsec Control go a bit further by providing real-time insights on courses progression or alerts on upcoming deadlines. These features help not only to improve quality monitoring, but also to make a better allocation of staff and equipment. That is how innovation can add extra operational capacity.

For more than twelve years, Avsec Cargo has been implementing security solutions for air transport and conducting stationery and e-learning training in this demanding market. Since its development, Avsec Control digital platform has been used by more than 15,000 international users from companies operating in the civil aviation related industry. Optimised solutions include approved by the responsible civil aviation authority aviation training, quality and testing regime, secure data management and professional support Avsec Cargo clients are entities related to the aviation industry, which in their daily operations provide services of the highest standards and expect the same from their contractors.

Summing up, against this backdrop of increased terrorist threats, new security regulations, raising number of competitors and finite resources, the aviation security industry is seeking new ways to help maintain and enhance the attractiveness of its offer. In the times where questions about cost optimalisation are rising like probably never before, Avsec Control platform is the answer to all of them.